Why aws lambda fuction sucks infront of GCP cloud functions
I have been using GCP from past year and worked on cloud functions extensively ( mostly on python ).
In a project came a requirement to use aws lambda function to be used. I thought the task to run a program with some external dependencies ( the one which we install using pip i.e pip install requests) would be easy but guess what, no it wasn’t that straight froward.
How it would be done with GCP
Just create the fuction in python
In requirements file give what dependencies are to be used
Thats it when you run the function it downloads the package at the backend and your job is done.
Heres how the aws lambda sucks
For aws lambda you can’t directly do give the dependencies but instead need to upload all the dependencies via zip code that you need to create on your machine and in a virtual environment and then zip it and upload to the lambda function.
(Note : do this in a linux based machine not windows because for python some libraries wont work if its zipped from windows instance)
Also, u wont be able to see the code in the inline editor in aws so if you need to do any slight change, repeat the steps again…
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